Friday 25 November 2011

Tea anyone?

Spookworks hits the headlines again!

Despite Spookworks enjoying a well deserved winter rest it seems we are still making the news.

Read what over 140,000 other people have read below....
More like a champagne party!  With the RAFMSA's finest silverware as the tea  set!

Monday 7 November 2011

2011 Spookworks Woodbridge Video Released

Catch up with all the action as Spookworks powered to 3rd in Class and 10th Overall on the Woodbridge Stages in September....

Hi Res version can be viewed  in VIDEOS - Shake it!

Thursday 3 November 2011

Fat Albert Rally by the Numbers.....

Just a quick look at the Fat Albert by the numbers:

84 Entries
80 Stage Miles
52 Finishers
15 in our class
10th overall
8 Special Stages
4th in Class
2 Bottles of Champagne