In a spin over what to do in 2013? Is the future not as clear as it should be? |
- The othersides weapons always seem to look better than your own.
- The noisiest weapons always appear to the most powerful.
- The only terrain that is truly controlled is the terrain upon which you're standing.
- If it's stupid but works, it's not stupid.
- The important things are simple.
- The simple things are very hard.
- No plan survives the first contact intact.
- Prefect plans aren't.
- When both sides are convinced they are about to lose, they're both right.
- You are not Superman.
- Professionals' are predictable, but the world is full of amateurs.
Anyway the message to get across here is that if you are thinking about 2013 why not set up your own XCOM? Or alternatively visit:
And leave the crisis to someone else.
Lets be clear. This is NOT going on in Spookworks HQ. |